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Here for you whenever you need us.

Download myCapitalInsurance today!

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Convenient to use.
Easy to install.

Our new myCapitalInsurance app allows you to access all your insurance material and information at the tip of your fingers. Whether it be your pink card or coverage details, you can now freely access them within just a matter of seconds.

Making Your Life Easier.

Here are a few conveniences that our app can bring to you!

  • Worried you’re going to miss your next payment? Not sure how much your deductible is?
    With our app, you can see your full payment schedule and upcoming payment amounts.
  • Are you moving? Did you get a new car?
    Initiate policy changes from your phone without having to call-in or set up appointments during business hours.
  • Waiting on that new pink card?
    This document is now easily accessible through our app!

Download our app now:

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